Hi everyone,

I’m trying to run the Docker image using Vagrant and CoreOS. I can register an account, but after logging in I see an infinite progress bar and… that’s it. This behaviour is similar for “URLs” and “Application Servers” tabs. REST requests via console tools like cURL and HTTPie give me 500 error code all the time. I believe I compose correct commands, because the public community server and a standalone Hawkular instance from .zip snapshot [1] work fine with them.

I’ve created a related issue some time ago with no feedback [2]. There is Docker information I have [3] and Vagrant configuration as well [4].

Is this behaviour well-known? Can it be fixed somehow in the future?


[1]: http://www.hawkular.org/downloads.html
[2]: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAWKULAR-268
[3]: http://pastie.org/private/ohx78eawvmvkhhui8omvza
[4]: http://pastie.org/private/g9ay7tfs2pgvvjtluvzkha