On 27 Jan 2016, at 00:47, Juraci Paixão Kröhling <jpkroehling@redhat.com> wrote:

If you don't deal with UI stuff, this will not affect you.

It seems that bower > 1.7.2 have moved the bower's executable to another
location, causing the frontend-maven-plugin to fail at building the UI
for BTM. Hawkular is *not* affected, as long as it keeps using 1.7.2 (as
it's the case so far).

So, before updating Bower to a version higher than 1.7.2, make sure that
the following bug on frontend-maven-plugin is fixed:


Thanks for this heads-ups. Very weird since this would seem to break semantic versioning, since that should not be a patch release but a minor version at least.
But again, that is why we use fixed versions for purposeful upgrades not accidental breakages.

- Juca.
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