Hi *,

this might be interesting to you if you use Chrome and if you want to come faster from commits on github to related Jiras and BZs.

I have updated my older Chrome extension today, to cover also Hawkular Jira prefixes HAWKULAR HWKALERTS HWKBTM HWKINVENT HWKMETRICS.
The extension detects plain text references to JBoss Jira issues and Red Hat Bugzilla bugs and for each of them, it adds a link pointing to the related issue.
This is what it looks like:

== How to run
cd ~/git
git clone https://github.com/ppalaga/jboss-jira-content-script.git
# Option 1: Chrome CLI
google-chrome --load-extension=jboss-jira-content-script
# Or option 2: follow http://developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted.html#unpacked

