
I would like to integrate Datamining module with Alerts. 

For alert prediction users should configure globally/on MetricType/Metric prediction interval for how long ahead they want to be notified. For example notify my if in two hours alert conditions are met (based on prediction). 

For start we could reuse defined conditions and evaluate them not only for incoming data from Metrics(value at time t) but also from Datamining module (predicted value at time t+prediction interval). If defined conditions are met it will use the same actions(email, sms) as are defined for real Metrics with changed description text(this is prediction). This would require minimal configuration for users (only prediction interval, when zero no predictions). What do you think?

Alert module would have cloned triggers+conditions for metrics being predicted with some changed properties like dataId(match condition to metric) and context information about metrics. 
Datamining module would send predicted metrics(with changed id) to the same topic as Metrics module does. With this approach there are no changes required in Alert module.

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Console or other modules can still ask for predictions for any time in the future. Datamining module does predictions on demand.
