One of the first services i am trying to monitor is etcd. etcd in OCP is configured as per the below:


  ca: ca.crt
  certFile: master.etcd-client.crt
  keyFile: master.etcd-client.key

Which responds with the below cURL:

curl --cacert ./ca.crt --cert ./master.etcd-client.crt --key ./master.etcd-client.key

So without the "Identity" configuration section set on the agent config, i'd get a TLS error. As etcd is a core part of OCP, I don't have much control over the client certs and expect there might be other services which require the same setup using different certs that i might want to monitor.

Hope that makes things clear, and Merry Christmas.


On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 3:30 PM, John Mazzitelli <> wrote:
> Currently it seems you can only provide the agent configmap with the identity
> field. But what i want to actually do, is provide this based on the pods
> config map>
> [chomp]
> Is that possible? or planned for the future?

I was hoping this wasn't going to be needed :) But we did talk about it.

It is not possible today because there is one major problem with what you suggest that would need to be solved somehow:

> cert_file: /var/run/secrets/client-crt/client.crt
> private_key_file: /var/run/secrets/client-key/client.key

That is inside your configmap on your OpenShift project (which may or may not be the same project where the agent is deployed).

So - what file system is that actually referring to? And how does the agent get access to those files?
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