On 23 Jul 2015, at 06:47, Stan Lewis <stlewis@redhat.com> wrote:

Is this all form work?  Might want to consider using hawtio's form plugins perhaps, all you need to come up with then is a json schema, live examples at -> http://forms.hawt.io

Stan, thanks for the tips. Much of this is forms work, and I really like the declarative nature of hawt.io forms (reminds me of Angular Formly (http://angular-formly.com/) . One of the difficulties we face with form libraries in general, is their PatternFly compliance. We work closely with our UXD counterparts and they usually provide the html/css (using PatternFly). We take those designs (the view) after lengthy discussions between the teams and integrate them with our front-end/backend. So as developers we are not the only ones working with the html/view.

I see two hurdles with Hawt.io forms:

1) Hawt.io form PatternFly compliance
2) Get our UXD folks to use Hawt.io forms for their designs

I definitely like the idea.

— Mike

P.S. I know there is a current effort in PatternFly to create angular wrappers around their components. Perhaps this is great area of overlap to participate in?

----- Original Message -----

for upcoming tasks like

"define and manage jdbc driver"
"define and manage data source"
and others

I wonder if we could speed up the UI development a bit by
creating some skeletons for html , and also ts-code
by running some scripts over the resource type
definitions we have.

This is not meant to be the 100% UI, but rather a start where
the UI folks can improve on, but which could give us a (working)
head start.

Does that make any sense?

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