One thing to mention that may not be clear, is that the Hawkular Alerts component itself offers no UI, and I don't think there is a plan to do anything in that area.  We did provide an initial UI as an interim solution and example for Hawkular, and for our own testing.  But I'm not sure that is still actively developed or still usable.  We offer only the REST interface, Hawkular Bus integration, and the engine at the component level.

It's something of a technicality, but with respect to the UI needs being discussed, it's really a Hawkular thing, I think.  So the necessary hooks and UX input would be at the Hawkular UI level.

On 5/14/2015 3:06 AM, Gary Brown wrote:
Ok will do. I'll attach some screenshots to the jira, and when UX team are ready to work on it I will do a demo.


----- Original Message -----
What is the best way to proceed - should I just create a jira for now?
That is certainly the best start.
I can imagine that it would be helpful to see some examples
from RTGov on what you want to achieve and then we work together
with UxD how this will fit into the overall alert picture.

Perhaps do a demo of the RTGov side?
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