Hi Joel,
Historically we have called this "Mixed" availability, when you have various avail states for a group of resources.  Personally, I like a percentage representation of avail, on a scale of 0..100 it's fairly easy to understand if you are all DOWN, all UP or somewhere in between.  It can also map to a color scale pretty well.   Also, historically,  we've  used "not up" as opposed to "non up".  Not up can be applied to UNKNOWN and ADMIN, which are the other two states outside of UP/DOWN.

On 8/30/2016 9:11 AM, John Sanda wrote:
I like the idea of aggregated availabilities, but I don’t know that it can easily be simplified to up/down. Let’s say we have 3 Cassandra nodes deployed with replication_factor = 1.  If one node goes down we are at 66% availability.

On Aug 29, 2016, at 3:24 AM, Joel Takvorian <jtakvori@redhat.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I'm still aiming to add some features to the grafana plugin. I've started to integrate availabilities, but now I'm facing a problem when it comes to show aggregated availabilities ; for example think about an OpenShift pod that is scaled up to several instances.

Since availability is basically "up" or "down" (or, to simplify with the other states such as "unknown", say it's either "up" or "non-up"), I propose to add this new feature: availability stats with aggregation. The call would be parameterized with an aggregation method, which would be either "all of" or "any of": with "all of" we consider that the aggregated series is UP when all its parts are UP.

It would require a new endpoint since the AvailabilityHandler currently only expose stats queries with metric id as query parameter - not suitable for multiple metrics.

Any objection or remark for this feature?

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