Can we maybe get something like a google doc started for this? I find that can be a bit easier to collaborate on than with just the jira.

It might also be good to reserve a time to have a call to discuss this over bluejeans.

As far as I can tell, the plan isn't to have server side configurations (like you would with a pull model) but instead to continue to have client side configurations but have the server be able to push out updates to the client.

Will this require a new component to expose REST endpoints at the server level? or are we planning on reusing an existing component?

Are we going to be able to have individual configurations per server, or are we lumping things into server types (eg all EAP7 instances have the same configuration)

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:01 AM, John Mazzitelli <> wrote:
I added this comment to a JIRA:

This is to discuss how we want things to work wrt the agent pulling down configuration from the server.

This is going to require me to rip up parts of the agent and i want to avoid doing unnecessary work because it will not be trivial. Thus, I need to know how we want it to work before I do anything.

Please enter your comments in that JIRA.

Or we can discuss in #hawkular.
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