  I don't like the idea either. In a way, it's similar to "git push -f". If you move the repo, there is no way how anyone can find out the new location.

I vote for some big note in the readme, that it's abandoned (if it was really abandoned) for reason X and it's better to use repo Y because of Z.

"What if we realize we need to "unarchive" some project? I don't see that
happening but that would create even more confusion."

It's unlikely, but it actually happened with https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-ui-components


On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Stefan Negrea <snegrea@redhat.com> wrote:

I would like to propose a new organization in Github to host projects that no longer receive development. "Hawkular-Archive" seems a good name for this purpose. The goal is to keep the main Hawkular org focused on important projects and at the same time preserve work that was already done but away from the main organization.

From a quick look at the current organization here are two repositories that can be moved right away: hawkular-metrics-openshift  (Openshit 2.x cartridge for Hawkular Metrics 0.2.7 or earlier) and hawkular-bus (code moved to another repo). Am I am sure we can find other repositories to move.

In the long run we can develop some criteria for archiving projects but for now we can just do a one-time major cleanup.

Any repositories that should be archived right away? Any other suggestions for a name? Any thoughts on the idea in general?

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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