Hi everyone,

This year I am working on the Hawkular Android application as part of the Google Summer of Code 2015 program.

This morning Heiko had merged two pull requests. The first one is important and is related to the API update, hopefully you can use the latest Hawkular version with the application at this point—well, at least the 1.0.0 Alpha 2 [1]. The second one is more minor, but helpful—you can now filter alerts by time periods, just like the web UI [2].

I wanted to discuss future plans—mostly because the application itself is working and all basic features are available. Most of all I would like to receive some feedback regarding the direction of the future development. And I totally understand that Hawkular itself is evolving and there are more changes to come.

  • Accounts. I need to investigate if it is possible at all, but multiple accounts handling would be nice. If it is not, at least logging out should be supported. There is some work done about that, but the discussion suddenly calmed down [3].
  • Navigation. I am not entirely sure that the current navigation handles everything properly. For example, at the moment all alerts are shown when browsing alerts. There should be some categorization based on resources, but at moment there are no proper API calls supporting it. The only thing we have is filtering via trigger IDs. Web UI solution is mostly a hack from my perspective [4].
  • Applications. This is a big one. I need to try to configure it and play with the API to understand how it works and how can I adapt the application to handle it.
  • Chart. Distinguish availability and threshold ones. Not sure if it is possible in a flexible way, because Inventory at this point doesn’t show a type in the Metric model.
  • Chart. Make it more like the web one. I’m kind of limited by the used chart library, plus it is tricky to handle large sets of data, especially for months and years. Trying to dig through the TypeScript source code to understand how the web UI works.
  • Lists. Maybe add pull-to-refresh support. Purely cosmetic and utility change, not sure if it will be useful actually.
Most likely I should restructure these points into GitHub issues and work on them, but I wanted to receive some feedback if it is possible. What do you want to see in the application? What do you think should be primary goals at this point?

Thanks and have a nice week!

[1]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/28
[2]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/29
[3]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/26
[4]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular/blob/b61fc571bfff88a08621b088c79f3a21471987bc/console/src/main/scripts/plugins/metrics/ts/alertsManager.ts#L261