The installation process described by Joel in his latest blog isn't good? It uses Minishift IIRC.

2016-11-10 15:19 GMT+01:00 Matt Wringe <>:
----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Mazzitelli" <>
> To: "Discussions around Hawkular development" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, 9 November, 2016 7:45:29 PM
> Subject: [Hawkular-dev] hawkular openshift agent
> I just updated the docs and provided some convenience scripts that should
> hopefully make it easier to try out the Hawkular OpenShift Agent. I plan on
> putting together more stuff on this - perhaps a blog or video - but I just
> wanted to get it out there now in case anyone can try it out and let me know
> if it works or if there are things that I missed.
> See the README:
> The new scripts are here:
> The idea is there are now "simple" steps to perform that downloads, builds,
> and runs an OpenShift environment for you. From there, you run other scripts
> that deploy the agent in that OpenShift environment. So those docs and those
> scripts basically take you from nothing to a running OpenShift environment
> with Hawkular Metrics and the Hawkular OpenShift Agent running inside.

If you don't want to build OpenShift from source or hack on it more directly, to get a simple setup going its just 'oc cluster up --metrics'

That will start OpenShift in a docker image with metrics already preconfigured.

After that you would have to run the commands to install and setup the agent.

Once you are done with it, running 'oc cluster down' will remove it for you.

It setups a very simple configuration though, and its not great if you want to be able to do any sort of changes or use it more in an advanced setting. For developing metrics stuff, its not very useful.

> P.S. Special thanks to Matt Wringe, OpenShift whisperer. It would have taken
> me at least a month to get this far without him walking me through this
> yesterday :)
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