On Jan 20, 2017, at 8:09 AM, Michael Burman <miburman@redhat.com> wrote:


Your syntax is still incorrect. It's either metricId or tags, not both 
(at least not in this case).

You should call /gauges/stats?tags=name:*&start=..


If you wish to use id/stats, then you can't have tags at all.

That’s not right. Look at https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-metrics/blob/master/api/metrics-api-jaxrs/src/main/java/org/hawkular/metrics/api/jaxrs/handler/GaugeHandler.java#L628. Maybe I had a typo in my previous example. The endpoint is:

GET /hawkular/metrics/gauges/{id}/stats/tags/{tags}

and the endpoint supports the standard start/end parameters.



  - Micke

On 01/20/2017 11:21 AM, Gareth Healy wrote:
Hi John S,

No, still dont get any data (204 error) back with that endpoint either.

I tweaked the endpoint, as you had /stats/tags/*type*/ - presume that 
was a typo, since it gives me a 404 and i can't see it mentioned in 
the docs so just removed it.


   curl -v -k -X GET \

       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

       -H "Hawkular-Tenant: $HAWKULAR_TENANT" \

       -H "Authorization: Bearer $(oc sa get-token -n openshift-infra
       heapster)" \


Tried with both tag keys (name and type) and with the value set and 

The $HAWKULAR_URL/gauges/$MERTIC_ID/raw endpoint returns data points.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 9:45 PM, John Sanda <jsanda@redhat.com 
<mailto:jsanda@redhat.com>> wrote:

   You are using the wrong endpoint. It should be:


   where {metric_id}
   is pod%2Fded071be-d9a6-11e6-8140-525400c583ad%2Fcustom%2Fprometheus_MyCamel_MeanProcessingTime

   And for this endpoint the bucketDuration parameter is not
   supported. The buckets are determined by the tag filters. The
   endpoint URL has changed from the initial implementation (and
   needs to be documented) but the examples in the ticket of how the
   buckets are determined are still valid.

   On Jan 19, 2017, at 4:02 PM, Gareth Healy <garethahealy@gmail.com
   <mailto:garethahealy@gmail.com>> wrote:

   @John S,

   No, i dont get back what i expect.

   Based on the below data (below is logs from HOSA):

       I0113 17:24:09.138095       1 metrics_storage.go:154] TRACE:
       Stored [5] [gauge] datapoints for metric named

       [{2017-01-13 17:24:09.117190753 +0000 UTC 18 map[type:routes
       {2017-01-13 17:24:09.117190753 +0000 UTC 0
       map[type:processors name:"transform2"]}
       {2017-01-13 17:24:09.117190753 +0000 UTC 17
       map[type:processors name:"choice1"]}
       {2017-01-13 17:24:09.117190753 +0000 UTC 8
       map[type:processors name:"transform1"]}
       {2017-01-13 17:24:09.117190753 +0000 UTC 18
       map[name:"MyCamel" type:context]}]

   With the below cURL:

       curl -k -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H
       "Hawkular-Tenant: $HAWKULAR_TENANT" -H "Authorization: Bearer
       $(oc sa get-token -n openshift-infra heapster)"

   I get no data back. From a reply i got from Joel (in this
   thread), its because the stats endpoint is working on metric
   tags, but i am wanting to look at datapoint tags.

   On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 8:35 PM, John Mazzitelli
   <jmazzite@redhat.com <mailto:jmazzite@redhat.com>> wrote:

       On Thu, 2017-01-19 at 15:21 -0500, John Sanda wrote:
I think I already asked this before, but does the tag based
introduced in
       <https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HWKMETRICS-373> help

       I do not know... that would be a question for Gareth to answer.
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