Hawkular Alerts has been updated in master.

Given our latest Hawkular convention for versioning, the versioning has gone backwards.  We pushed Version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, changed from Version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.   We maintain snapshot releases for use with Kettle.  But the version has changed to reflect API changes.  Going forward we'll maintain the version of 0.0.1 unless we have an API change, at which point we'll up the micro-version.  Eventually this will settle down and we can move to versioned components, and avoid breaking API changes.

We've begun supplying developer documentation, here:


What's NEW!

And for Hawkular Kettle!

And of course several fixes and improvements.

Coming Up:

Hawkular Alerts Team
  Jay Shaughnessy
  Lucas Ponce
  Thomas Segismont