Yes, there is still some feature request on the Hawkular Grafana datasource, so here's what's new in 1.1.2 (released today) :

- Legend customization [1]
- Fixed metric naming collision [2]

Release link:
DockerHub registry updated as well.

About legend, here is an exemple of how it works with regexp:

From metric name pod/c6e2a9ab-8d1c-11e7-b7be-06415eb17bbf/custom/haproxy_server_bytes_in_total{namespace=my-namespace,pod=web-45-6f464,route=web,server=,service=web}

Legend: HAProxy Server Bytes In {{namespace=([^,}]+)}} / {{pod=([^,}]+)}}

Result: HAProxy Server Bytes In my-namespace / web-45-6f464
