
I don't see how the fact that we don't officially support Mac OS is an impediment to adding such option, which won't break anything else and make the OOTB experience for a Mac user work. Even if we can't (and likely shouldn't) go the full way of changing monitored machines, this would help.

Actually, I've seen that by default WFLY starts with the java.awt.headless=true option (and also with java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true, which I requested at https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAWKULAR-38) so this may be a minor issue, as I've only experienced it due to having my custom JAVA_OPTS.


On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 1:08 PM, John Mazzitelli <mazz@redhat.com> wrote:
Heiko - I think I remember you reporting this (but I can't remember where or when). See: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAWKULAR-838

This is because on MacOS the OSHI library uses the Swing file chooser dialog widget to obtain file system data.

Since MacOS is not an officially supported platform, do we want to do what this JIRA asks? That is, change kettle's startup options? This would also mean we'd have to somehow get the agent installer to also change WF/EAP startup options (not something I think we want to do - especially since this only affects MacOS).

We could add this to the agent install documentation for those on MacOS.

The other alternative is to disable file system data collection in the agent, assuming the user doesn't care about those metrics.
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