I added it way back in my first or second PR, I think.   It's exactly what it looks like, a way for us to log stuff to a file that pertains only to our provider.  I have a couple of log messages going there, like when there is a problem with the EventCatcher, I think.   I do think it could be useful if used a bit more, when the information may be useful outside of, or in addition to,  the main evm log.

On 10/13/2016 1:24 AM, Thomas Heute wrote:

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:36 AM, mike thompson <mithomps@redhat.com> wrote:

On Oct 12, 2016, at 7:18 PM, mike thompson <mithomps@redhat.com> wrote:

So currently, we aren’t  really logging anything to this middleware.log (as far as I can tell). Should we be? What is our policy around using this log (versus evm.log)?
This may be more important once we are in CFME and have to debug some customer issues.

Should all of our logging goto this log? Should some? If so what? 

Sorry, just a bit confused about the purpose of this log since it shows empty for me.

Seems to me we should be using it more. Since it much easier and relevant to look through this than the huge evm.log (which has also has worker thread traces every X seconds as well).

Same here, any idea how/when/by whom it was introduced ?



— Mike

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