On 19 déc. 2011, at 18:30, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
About ".of(JTSLocation.class, jtsObject)"
nice trick, is the idea that you then return an object having a JTS
specific interface to ask for the additional parameters and options?
But I assume this is no longer relevant.
It's more that the JTSLocation would host the jts object type as generic and that we
could infer and constraint it for the jtsObject parameter
someDSLContext of(T, Location<T>);
interface Location<T> {
But we could also make the Location interface convert data into `Coordinates` or lat /
interface Location<T> {
toCoordinates(T object);
But to be honest, I like your idea of a static helper method better. It find it reads
better in the DSL.