> Hi,
> I've finished task concerning JMS replacement with JGroups. The patch is
> attached. The general idea of pushing indexes through JG is assured, however
> there are issues to improve (i.e. flexible JG protocol stack configuration).
> Any review or advices would be welcome to make sure that I am not going into
> blind alley.
> Thanks,
> Lukasz
> 2009/5/27 Emmanuel Bernard <
>> Lukasz,
>> I have been discussing with Manik on #3 and we think that JBoss Cache /
>> Infinispan are probably a better fit than plain JGroups for that as all the
>> plumbing will be configured for you.
>> When you reach this problem, let's revive this discussion.
>> On May 25, 2009, at 11:07, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I talked with £ukasz about this last wekk. Definitely, #1 and #3.
>>> #2 I don't like either.
>>> The befefit of #3 would also be that one could drop the requirement of
>>> having a shared file system (NFS, NAS, ...) #3 should be quite easy to
>>> implement. Maybe easy to get started with.
>>> --Hardy
>>> On Mon, 25 May 2009 10:55:52 +0200, Emmanuel Bernard
>>> <
emmanuel@hibernate.org> wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I am not sure this is where we should go, or at least, it depends. here
>>>> are three scenarii
>>>> #1 JMS replacement
>>>> If you want to use JGroups as a replacement for the JMS backend, then I
>>>> think you should write a jgroups backend. Check
>>>> org.hibernate.search.backend.impl.jms
>>>> In this case all changes are sent via JGroups to a "master". The master
>>>> could be voted by the cluster possibly dynamically but that's not necessary
>>>> for the first version.
>>>> #2 apply indexing on all nodes
>>>> JGroups could send the work queue to all nodes and each node could apply
>>>> the change.
>>>> for various reasons I am not fan of this solution as it creates overhead
>>>> in CPU / memory usage and does nto scale very well from a theoretical PoV.
>>>> #3 Index copy
>>>> this is what you are describing, copying the index using JGroups instead
>>>> of my file system approach. This might have merits esp as we could diminish
>>>> network traffic using multicast but it also require to rethink the master /
>>>> slave modus operandi.
>>>> Today the master copy on a regular basis a clean index to a shared
>>>> directory
>>>> On a regular basis, the slave go and copy the clean index from the
>>>> shared directory.
>>>> In your approach, the master would send changes to the slaves and slaves
>>>> would have to apply them "right away" (on their passive version)
>>>> I think #1 is more interesting than #3, we probably should start with
>>>> that. #3 might be interesting too, thoughts?
>>>> Emmanuel
>>>> PS: refactoring is a fact of life, so feel free to do so. Just don't
>>>> break public contracts.
>>>> On May 21, 2009, at 22:14, £ukasz Moreñ wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have few questions that concern using JGroups to copy index files. I
>>>>> think to create sender(for master) and receiver(slave) directory providers.
>>>>> Sender class mainly based on existing FSMasterDirectoryProvider, first
>>>>> create local index copy and send later to slave nodes
>>>>> (or send without copying, but that may cause lower performance?).
>>>>> To avoid code redundancy it would be good to refactor a little
>>>>> FSMasterDirectoryProvider class, so then I can use copying functionality in
>>>>> new DirectoryProvider and add sending one; or rather I should work around
>>>>> it?
>>>>> I do not understand completely how does the multithreading access to
>>>>> index file work. Does FileChannel class assure that, when index is copied
>>>>> and new Lucene works are pushed?