Pixeon Medical Division

Vencedora do Prêmio Empreendedor
de Sucesso de PEGN 2007
na categoria Oportunidade



I am with problems to connect my application java/hibernate with the database SQLBase (Gupta)
I couldn't find a dialect for this database.
At present I am working with the dialect org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseAnywhereDialect but not this one working correctly.
The other problem is to use a XA DataSource. Now I refactor my code to use TX Datasouce but I really need to use XA Datasource. Might anybody to help me?

Lucas Rosário

(48) 3205-6036

Rua Lauro Linhares, 589, Atico - 88036-001 Florianópolis SC (48) 3205-6000 www.pixeon.com.br