I was really only considering XML metadata when writing that generator and thus did not even consider the scenario of defining the identifier annotations on a superclass. 

I do not like this proposal as it completely whacks one of the intended benefits of allowing sharing of segments between entities.

What I'd propose instead is exactly how MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator handles it:
String keyValue = PropertiesHelper.getString(PK_VALUE_NAME, params, params.getProperty(TABLE) ); 

which would look like this for the enhanced TableGenerator:
segmentValue = PropertiesHelper.getString( SEGMENT_VALUE_PARAM, params, params.getProperty(TABLE) ); 

So, if the SEGMENT_VALUE_PARAM ( "segment_value" ) is not specified, we default to using the target table name as the segment.  This does break existing usages relying on the corny (though explicitly warned against) default value of 'default'.

On Apr 24, 2008, at 7:03 AM, Tom Muldoon wrote:

I'm working with the org.hibernate.id.enhanced.TableGenerator class and I've noticed a couple of shortcomings (imho). First and foremost, it creates one row in the hibernate_sequences table for each configured segment_value (as opposed to one row for each "target_table" as implemented within the MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator). Given the fact that my id column is defined in an abstract BaseEntity class, I can't use the enhanced TableGenerator class as is (since one sequence for all of my entities is not viable for my application). Which leads me to my second point. All of the member variables are declared as private, instead of protected, which makes extending the class for the purpose of overriding the configure method impossible.
For what it's worth, here's the change that I had planned to make (in the configure method) ...
Change the setting of the segmentValue from ...
        segmentValue = params.getProperty( SEGMENT_VALUE_PARAM );
... to
        segmentValue = params.getProperty(TABLE);
Of course, such a change would change the class behavior significantly - using targetTable instead of segmentValue as the variable name would probably make sense.
So, with that said, is another class worth-while (assuming that such a change to the existing class would break backwards compatability)?
And, on a related note, the enhanced TableGenerator is cluster safe, right? 
PS. I entered a jira improvement yesterday - here's the link ...
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