On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen <
max.andersen@redhat.com <mailto:
max.andersen@redhat.com>> wrote:
i never thought hibernate was simple, my problem is that i
don't see how anyone outside jboss personal can actually
create fixes (patches or commits) without internal overview of
hibernate. and jumping head first is actually what a new
developer in jboss would need to do, even if he did had prior
usage of hibernate. so either there are white papers kept in
jboss for their use only , or the information is pass down
orally by a senior developer.
There are no internal secret jboss documents - all the information
is public. Many people are creating patches to hibernate in
various areas by simply reading the code that is having a problem
and fix it - of course for more detailed hardcore bugs more info
is needed, but no written documentation would help you there - you
would still need to look at the code to learn it.
btw. I did not work for JBoss when I started contribute to
Hibernate, and there are non-JBoss committers today too - the
right to commit is earned by showing skill and drive; not by
getting hired.
to give an example, we have a developer with a 7 year
experience in java j2ee, working on an undocumented homegrown
framework with no internal overview documentation, and only
oral info passed from previous developer, and that's not
nearly enough as fixes usually break something else.
Look at the unittests, if you break them you know you messed up -
if they pass the chance of you having messed up is less ;)
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Chris Bredesen
cbredesen@redhat.com <mailto: