I found the cool new feature of hibernate search in Lucene-user mail list by Emmanuel's mail.
u guys did a very greate job! Since i am now working on a system that using lucene to implement a search engine, i would like to know some more details about Hinbernate Search.
I have read some of the code in Hinbernate 3.2GA release, the code is pretty cool, but there is one thing i doubt:
For the update operation Hibernate Search used remove & update.which refer to Lucene's deleteDocuments method. This will works fine when the operation does not have high frequency and the index is new.
But as i know the remove operation in lucene only marked a tag for the deleted document without actually delete the data ofr index files. We know in some systems the data would be updated in a very high frequency(eg. an traffic status query system), then it will not take a long time that the index will be filled with lots of expired document data, even if the data update is not as fast as a traffic status, i think this problem is still very critical since things we stored in databases are always updating.
Is there any way to solve this in Hibernate Search?