yes, that's the whole point :)
the doc will have to be adjusted probably mark the feature as deprecated.

On  Jun 21, 2008, at 18:05, Sanne Grinovero wrote:

looks like a very good idea, does this mean people don't need to do this (taken from docs):
"It is critical that batchSize in the previous example matches the batch_size value described previously."
Should we remove the option and references from documentation?

2008/6/21 Emmanuel Bernard <>:
I never liked the way we work around mass insertion and OOME today has many drawbacks - the value is not accessible programatically - it applies to any operations regardless of mass indexing - it is used 99% of the time in close conjunction with a % and session.clear() - the side effect is quite big as the index is "transactionally" committed To replace it, I introduced session.flushToIndexes(); this method manually triggers changes in queue. It does not trigger an hibernate core flush(). This seems more reasonable and will make the code safer. WDYT? Better name?

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