hibernate.search.initialization.strategy = manual # Do nothing, expect the user to use APIs
hibernate.search.initialization.strategy = create-or-validate # Default: create indexes if they don't exist, validate them if they exist
hibernate.search.initialization.strategy = create
hibernate.search.initialization.strategy = validate # For Lucene, do nothing except checking the index exists
hibernate.search.initialization.strategy = update # For Lucene, create the index if it doesn't exist, do nothing if it exists
hibernate.search.initialization.strategy = drop-and-create
# Maybe add an option to wait for Elasticsearch to be reachable?
# That can be moved to a different ticket. Maybe it would be better to move this to the Elasticsearch backend.
hibernate.search.initialization.wait.enabled = true
hibernate.search.initialization.wait.duration = PT5M
# Maybe... though I doubt it's a good idea. Useful for tests, mostly.
hibernate.search.initialization.reindexing.enabled = true # Defaults to false
# Also, mostly for tests
hibernate.search.cleanup.strategy = none
hibernate.search.cleanup.strategy = drop