I need to query look like this.
{noformat}select psaer.excel_row_seq as excel_ro1_156_0_, psaer.excel_row_no as excel_ro2_156_0_, psaer.prod_info_batch_excel_seq as prod_inf3_156_0_, psaer.prod_no as prod_no4_156_0_, psaer.row_msg as row_msg5_156_0_, psaer.row_status as row_stat6_156_0_, IF(psaer.prod_no REGEXP '[^[:digit:]]+', NULL, psaer.prod_no) as formula88_0_ from prod_status_active_excel_row psaer ; {noformat}
When I do with following code,
{noformat} @Nullable @Valid @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE) // -> EAGER! // @JoinFormula("CASE " // + " WHEN " + MappedProdStatusActiveExcelRow.COLUMN_NAME_PROD_NO + " REGEXP '[^[:digit:]]+'" // + " THEN NULL" // + " ELSE " + MappedProdStatusActiveExcelRow.COLUMN_NAME_PROD_NO // + " END") @JoinFormula("IF(" + MappedProdStatusActiveExcelRow.COLUMN_NAME_PROD_NO + " REGEXP '[^[:digit:]]+'" + ", NULL" + ", " + MappedProdStatusActiveExcelRow.COLUMN_NAME_PROD_NO + ")") @ManyToOne(optional = true, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) // @JoinColumn(name = COLUMN_NAME_PROD_NO, nullable = true, insertable = false, updatable = false, // foreignKey = @ForeignKey(ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT)) @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude @ToString.Exclude private Prod prod;{noformat}
Hibernate seems generate sql look like this.
{noformat}select prodstatus0_.excel_row_seq as excel_ro1_156_0_, prodstatus0_.excel_row_no as excel_ro2_156_0_, prodstatus0_.prod_info_batch_excel_seq as prod_inf3_156_0_, prodstatus0_.prod_no as prod_no4_156_0_, prodstatus0_.row_msg as row_msg5_156_0_, prodstatus0_.row_status as row_stat6_156_0_, IF(prodstatus0_.`prod_no` prodstatus0_.REGEXP '[^[:digit:]]+', -- column alias? NULL, prodstatus0_.prod_no) as formula88_0_ from prod_status_active_excel_row prodstatus0_ ...{noformat}
The column alias between {{IF(prodstatus0_.\`prod_no`}} and {{REGEX ..}} seems wrong.
What can I do for this? Thanks. |