This to fix an issue with (we suspect as it's the only change in the environment) latest JDK 8: {code} Caused by: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (NameError) asciidoctor: FAILED: /data/home/gsmet/git/beanvalidation-spec/sources/index.asciidoc: Failed to load AsciiDoc document - TreeProcessor not found in packages org.asciidoctor.extension; last error: cannot load Java class org.asciidoctor.extension.TreeProcessor at RUBY.const_missing(uri:classloader:/jruby/java/core_ext/module.rb:45) at org.jruby.RubyModule.const_get(org/jruby/ at RUBY.add_document_processor(/data/home/gsmet/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.7/gems/asciidoctor- at RUBY.tree_processor(/data/home/gsmet/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.7/gems/asciidoctor- at RUBY.block in treeprocessor(<script>:27) {code}
We can't upgrade asciidoctorj to 1.6.0 yet because it doesn't work well with the latest asciidoctor-ant so we'll have to stick to the latest alpha. |