Hello everyone!
I’ve created this bug in the EclipseLink, Hibernate and OpenJPA bugtracker because I think that the current situation is very unsatisfying for every developer that tries to develop portable Java EE applications.
I know the JPA specification says about this: “When interoperability across vendors is required, the application must not use lazy loading”
But is the current situation really necessary? Let me summarize the behavior on accessing the relations of a detached entity among the different JPA vendors:
OpenJPA: The getter methods returns always “null” in this case. No exception is thrown, and no access to the database. I could not find a possibility to change this behavior.
EclipseLink By default EclipseLink opens a new connection to the database and lazily fetches the relations. I could not find a possibility to change this behavior.
Hibernate By default Hibernate throws LazyInitializationException. Since Version 4.1.6 there is a configuration parameter called “hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans”. If set to true hibernate opens a read only session to the database and lazily fetches the relations. (Same as eclipselink does) This parameter is not mentioned in the official hibernate documentation. I found it by accident.
So 3 Vendors 3 different behaviors and no possibility to configure a behavior that is support on all providers.
I just want to say that I do not prefer a specific solution. All 3 solutions have their advantages and disadvantages. I do think however that this topic should be addressed by the JPA specification and that a there should be a mandatory behavior in the future.
But for now could you (the jpa vendors) speak to another and agree on a common denominator? For me as developer it would enough if I could configure this behavior on each jpa provider with a vendor specific property. Important is only that there is one solution that is supported by each provider.
Thanks for your time!