I would like to add conditional order by operators to CriteriaBuilder like that:
{{order by rmgtnav_path, rmgtnav_collection_type<>'PROFILE', rmgtnav_denotation asc}}
Or as {{Order}} objects:
{noformat}List<Order> orderStatements = new ArrayList();
orderStatements.add(cb.asc(root.get("rmgtnav_path"))); orderStatements.add(cb.asc(cb.notEqual(root.get("rmgtnav_collection_type"), "PROFILE"))); orderStatements.add(cb.asc(root.get("rmgtnav_denotation")));
Query query = session.createQuery(cq);{noformat}
What the {{rmgtnav_collection_type<> 'Profile'}} part does is to resolve the statement as a boolean which is true (1) or false (0) and start sorting with collection_type = Profile on top in my case. Unfortunately, I get an error when calling {{session.createQuery(cq)}} method:
{{org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected AST node: <> near line 1, column 596 [select generatedAlias0 from com.myapp.core.rmgt.rate.business.object.RmgtBVOImpl as generatedAlias0 where ( generatedAlias0.collectionType<>:param0 ) and ( ( generatedAlias0.collectionSubType<>:param1 ) or ( generatedAlias0.collectionSubType is null ) ) and ( ( lower(generatedAlias0.profileStatus) like :param2 ) and ( ( generatedAlias0.type=:param3 ) or ( generatedAlias0.type=:param4 ) ) ) and ( generatedAlias0.enabled=:param5 ) and ( ( generatedAlias0.owner=:param6 ) or ( generatedAlias0.owner=:param7 ) ) order by generatedAlias0.path asc, generatedAlias0.collectionType<>:param8 asc, generatedAlias0.denotation asc]}}
I think it would be beneficial, If criteriaBuilder would also allow to add these kind of statements. |