We need to be able to specify the dialect version by using the environment settings {{JAKARTA_HBM2DDL_DB_VERSION}}, {{JAKARTA_HBM2DDL_DB_MAJOR_VERSION}}, {{JAKARTA_HBM2DDL_DB_MINOR_VERSION.}} Right now, if the version is specified like this, it is not taken into account.
This would allow replacing something such as {{cfg.setProperty( AvailableSettings.DIALECT, Oracle10gDialect.class.getName() );}}
{code:java}cfg.setProperty( AvailableSettings.DIALECT, OracleDialect.class.getName() ); cfg.setProperty( AvailableSettings.JAKARTA_HBM2DDL_DB_MAJOR_VERSION, "10" );{code}
NB: once the above is implemented, tests that used these deprecated Dialects, should take special care in assuring that they actually get the requested dialect. (e.g. {{BatchVersionedDataConfigTest }}) |