Everything ok with that issue. Just need to change type of field ;
Unable to find source-code formatter for language: kotlin. Available languages are: actionscript, ada, applescript, bash, c, c#, c++, cpp, css, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, html, java, javascript, js, json, lua, none, nyan, objc, perl, php, python, r, rainbow, ruby, scala, sh, sql, swift, visualbasic, xml, yaml
var roles: Set<Role>
Unable to find source-code formatter for language: kotlin. Available languages are: actionscript, ada, applescript, bash, c, c#, c++, cpp, css, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, html, java, javascript, js, json, lua, none, nyan, objc, perl, php, python, r, rainbow, ruby, scala, sh, sql, swift, visualbasic, xml, yaml
var roles: MutableSet<Role>
. I forgot that Set in Kotlin immutable by default . Hibernate could not work with immutable collections. Solution : just use MutableCollection . Sorry for disturbing . We can close this ticket . |