When using Hibernate Search with Hibernate OGM, the user needs to perform the following setting on their full-text queries atm.:
FullTextQuery fullTextQuery = ...;
fullTextQuery.initializeObjectsWith( ObjectLookupMethod.SKIP, DatabaseRetrievalMethod.FIND_BY_ID );
The reason being that Hibernate OGM does not yet implement the Criteria API which otherwise is accessed by HSEARCH by default.
Our integration points are OgmConfiguration (classic API) and HibernateOgmPersistence (JPA) where we already set a property targeted at Hibernate Search (hibernate.search.massindexer.factoryclass). Similarly we should be able to set a default object look-up method so users don't have to apply this setting per query. This would greatly help with simplifying the lives of users when working with OGM and Search.