Hi, I have a simple value object class:
public class Duration {
private int timeInSec;
protected Duration() {
public Duration(int timeInSec) {
if (timeInSec < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duration cannot be negative");
this.timeInSec = timeInSec;
public Duration(int min, int sec) {
this(min * 60 + sec);
public int getTimeInSec() {
return timeInSec;
And properly registered ValueExtractor class:
public class DurationValueExtractor implements ValueExtractor<@ExtractedValue(type = Integer.class) Duration> {
public void extractValues(Duration originalValue, ValueReceiver receiver) {
receiver.value(null, originalValue != null ? originalValue.getTimeInSec() : null);
Then I have a class which is validated:
public class SomeClass {
private Duration duration;
public Duration getDuration() {
return duration;
public void setDuration(Duration duration) {
this.duration = duration;
When hibernate validation is done the @Positive constraint is triggered fine for not null value (the value extractor is invoked as it should). But when the field value is null the @NotNull constraint is not triggered and validation passes with no error. It is because
omits any default constraint validation when the custom type has the value extractor and value is null:
public boolean validateConstraint(ValidationContext<?> validationContext, ValueContext<?, Object> valueContext) {
boolean success = true;
*if ( valueExtractionPath != null ) {*
Object valueToValidate = valueContext.getCurrentValidatedValue();
*if ( valueToValidate != null ) {*
TypeParameterValueReceiver receiver = new TypeParameterValueReceiver( validationContext, valueContext, valueExtractionPath );
ValueExtractorHelper.extractValues( valueExtractionPath.getValueExtractorDescriptor(), valueToValidate, receiver );
success = receiver.isSuccess();
*else {*
success = doValidateConstraint( validationContext, valueContext );
return success;