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* drop annotation-based definitions, and rely exclusively on analysis definition providers (such as org . google hibernate . com/document/d/16PAa__LsxyLZcbW3q1MvgyIznh4ZnCYLupbNMXKMRds/edit search.elasticsearch.analyzer.definition.ElasticsearchAnalysisDefinitionProvider in Search 5) * users will configure their own analyzer definition through a backend-scoped configuration property * we may want to offer a set of built-in definitions for Lucene, to make it easier to build a simple (simplistic ? pli=1#heading=h ) application . 4ps2gdo4d2ql We should make sure to be as consistent as possible with Elasticsearch and Solr when naming the analyzers. * make analyzer/normalizer definitions fully backend-specific (the engine shouldn't have to care) * for Lucene, still only scope analyzer definitions globally (never per index) * for Elasticsearch, we will (later) offer the ability the scope analyzer definitions either globally or by type; see HSEARCH-3309 |