Ad timestamps (1): I haven't asked you to remove these two methods, I've asked to remove txTimestamp from RegionAccessStrategy.get and other RegionAccess methods, because there's already the SharedSessionContractImplementor session argument which provides that value in the SharedSessionContractImplementor.getTimestamp() method - therefore, repeating this in each method args seemed unnecessary. My apologies, I was a bit vague about this in the comment. I've mentioned that I find relying on a wall-clock time for consistency pretty unsafe practice, though Infinispan implementation does that, too. ORM's use of these timestamps is perfectly fine AFAIK. Ad timeout (2): Sorry, I could not find what are you referring to :-/ Ad stats (3): I agree that these may not be meaningful (and I am happy to see toMap going out - that's not even statistics). But users will ask for something like that, so the path should be paved - providing that as optional part is fine. I am just unsure how should the StatisticsImplementor be used, and how will user figure out how many entities are there. Ad SessionFactoryOptions: yes, to resolve settings.getServiceRegistry().getService( StrategySelector.class ).resolveDefaultableStrategy(...) and then also to access user-provided configuration file using proper class loader. |