As a user of Hibernate Validator, I would expect that a field like
` {noformat} private Optional<List<ConsumerGroupDTO>> consumerGroups; ` {noformat}
where ` * ConsumerGroupDTO ` * is the following pojo:
{code:java} @Data @SuperBuilder @NoArgsConstructor public class ConsumerGroupDTO extends ConsumerDTO {
private @NotEmpty String consumerGroupId; private boolean simpleConsumerGroup;
} {code}
gets properly validated and constraint violation exception will be thrown in case ` * consumerGroupId ` * value will be set either to null or an empty string, instead validation does not kick-in for the list of pojos wrapped in the ` * Optional ` * .
If the value of ` * Optional ` * is a pojo or a primitive, validation rules are working fine.
I did a little bit more digging and tried to write my own value extractor:
{code:java} public class OptionalListValueExtractor<T> implements ValueExtractor<@ExtractedValue(type = List.class) Optional<List<T>>> { @Override public void extractValues(@ExtractedValue(type = List.class) Optional<List<T>> originalValue, ValueReceiver valueReceiver) { valueReceiver.value(null, originalValue.orElse(null)); } } {code}
but when I register this class as a service, I get an exception with the cause:
{code:java} Caused by: javax.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDefinitionException: HV000225: Only unbound wildcard type arguments are supported for the container type of the value extractor: com.solace.maas.event.core.validation.OptionalListValueExtractor. {code}
It seems it doesn't like that I have a class type specified in my Optional. But without this generic, it is impossible to have the extractor working the right way.
Anyways, I think it is either a bug in HV or a functional efficiency.
Looking forward to your reply \ ! |