We are having issues with complex @OneToMany relationships. See attached repository, which demonstrates the problem: https://github.com/knyttl/Hibernate5vs6Test The repo has HIbernate 5 in pom.xml, so when running the test as: ```bash mvn test -Dhibernate.server= {my-server} -Dhibernate.database= {my-database} -Dhibernate.password= {my-password} -Dhibernate.user= {db-user} ``` You will see the test is *correctly passing*, logs here: https://gist.github.com/knyttl/ac8010f853bc22b1a0176e856cad0a3e Now please uncomment Hibernate 6 in `pom.xml` and run the test again. The test will now fail with this log: https://gist.github.com/knyttl/292aeb613fd10b9c9fbf8d7b5d7e2073 |