Giving the following identifier:
@Id @GenericGenerator(name = "sampleGenerator", strategy = "enhanced-sequence", parameters = { @org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter(name = "optimizer", value = "pooled"), @org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter(name = "initial_value", value = "1"), @org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter(name = "increment_size", value = "2") }
) @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "sampleGenerator") private Long id;
When executing the following code:
doInTransaction(new TransactionCallable<Void>() { @Override public Void execute(Session session) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { session.persist(new SequenceIdentifier()); } session.flush(); assertEquals(5, ((Number) session.createSQLQuery("SELECT COUNT FROM sequenceIdentifier").uniqueResult()).intValue()); insertNewRow(session); insertNewRow(session); assertEquals(7, ((Number) session.createSQLQuery("SELECT COUNT FROM sequenceIdentifier").uniqueResult()).intValue()); List<Number> ids = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT id FROM sequenceIdentifier").list(); for(Number id : ids) { LOGGER.debug("Found id: {}", id); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { session.persist(new SequenceIdentifier()); }
session.flush(); return null; } });
I get the following error:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10104 table: SEQUENCEIDENTIFIER
The last inserted id is 11, which was assigned by the database sequence upon inserting a row with a manual JDBC call.
When the pooled optimizer runs out of low values it calls the sequence and gets the max hi value of 13, so it will try to insert 11 and 12, which will clash with the manually inserted rows.
Isn't this optimizer supposed to offer a HI/LO implementation that manages to work with external systems which are unaware of Hibernate internal identifier strategies?