When I query date in where close the response don't return
jdk 1.6.35
oracle 10 g
select randevuvie0_.USOID as USOID3_, randevuvie0_.BASLANGIC_ZAMANI as BASLANGIC2_3_, randevuvie0_.DEGISTIRILMETARIHI as DEGISTIR3_3_, randevuvie0_.HASTA_ID as HASTA4_3_, randevuvie0_.KLINIK_ADI as KLINIK5_3_, randevuvie0_.RANDEVU_KAYIT_DURUM_KODU as RANDEVU6_3_, randevuvie0_.RANDEVU_SMS_KAYIT_ID as RANDEVU7_3_, randevuvie0_.TELEFON_NUMARASI as TELEFON8_3_ from VIEW_RANDEVU randevuvie0_ where randevuvie0_.DEGISTIRILMETARIHI>? and randevuvie0_.DEGISTIRILMETARIHI<? and randevuvie0_.BASLANGIC_ZAMANI>? and randevuvie0_.RANDEVU_KAYIT_DURUM_KODU=? and (randevuvie0_.HASTA_ID is not null) and (randevuvie0_.RANDEVU_SMS_KAYIT_ID is null)
when I use @Temporal
private Date degistirilmetarihi;
it is ok but timestamp value I cannot get
I wanna use timestamp in query but it is problem