Criterion Interface should get a getter for the propertyName that is used in static Restriction class.
This would allow for easier dynamic Criteria creation including subqueries.
Following is a use case example:
I wrote a utility method that creates dynamic criteria's from given bean properties including subqueries if property names access child parameters.
Since this method is so usefull I never write criteria's manually anymore.
First a tree is created from a map of propertyName-values like following:
(In reality the value is of type Criterion.)
Then dynamic criteria's are created.
To create this tree the property name is necessary to know.
Thats why the filter map I use is of type:
Map<String, Criterion> where the key value is the propertyName already used in the Criterion.
In real code this looks very ugly since I need to provide the propertyName multiple times. (In the Criterion creation and the Map key!)
Else I would have no access to the propertyName in my dynamic Criteria creation method.
Map<String, Criteron> filters = new HashMap<String, Criterion>();
filter.put("","", "peter");
filter.put("", Restrictions.eq("", 2);
filter.put("bar.value","bar.value", "xy");
List<Class> data = HibernateUtils.createDetachedCriteria(Class, SessionFactory, filters).getExecutableCriteria(session).list();