We recently did an upgrade from Hibernate 5.3.16 to Hibernate 5.4.14 inside one of our applications.
One of our enitity has a foreign key relationship inside its own table, and additionally uses discriminators for that table.
Basically we execute the following update statement: {code :java } update OpdrachtPlan o set o.plan.id = :newPlanId where o.plan.id = :planId and o.isProCalc = false and o.maand >= :datum {code}
Hibernate 5.4.14 generates the following (invalid) SQL statement for this query: {code:sql} update SDOPDR cross join set PKSDOPDRREF=? where ( SDOPDRPROCALC = 0 ) and PKSDOPDRREF=? and SDOPDRPROCALC=false and SDOPDRMND>=? {code}
In the previous Hibernate 5.3.16, we got the following SQL statement, which works correctly: {code:sql} update SDOPDR set FKSDOPDR_OPDRREF_MASTER=? where ( SDOPDRPROCALC = 0 ) and FKSDOPDR_OPDRREF_MASTER=? and SDOPDRPROCALC=false and SDOPDRMND>=? {code}
Based on my investigation, this issue appears to be introduced by multiple changes:
[https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/ HHH-13875 |https : //hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13875|smart-link] the addition of the {{isNull}} check inside {{dereferenceEntity}} causes that we don't get inside the {{isPropertyEmbeddedInJoinProperties}} method anymore, which is necessary. This would have been sufficient if we named our primary keys {{id}} instead of {{objectId}}. As part of our investigation we then downgraded to 5.4.12 which didn't contain this patch.
The combination of [ HHH-12842 ] and [ HHH-12775 ] prevents that the {{objectId}} path is properly registered inside {{AbstractPropertyMapping.initIdentifierPropertyPaths()}}.
As an attachment, you can find a number of traces of the AST of SQL, HBM, loggings of the mapping and the SQL statement itself.
I don't know what would be the best solution to solve this bug, I did however make a stripped down test case to reproduce this: