Initially multipleLoad behaved more like {{Session#load}}/{{IdentifierLoadAccess#getReference}}, meaning: # proxies could be created for return # entities that are in DELETED (deleted, but not yet flushed) would be returned.
The request here specifically is to make sure that the second point does not happen.
---- _*Original report*_ ----
When using *session.byMulipleIds(SimpleEntity.class).multipleLoad(ids);* I got a few problems.
h2. *1. multiLoad 's sessionCheckingEnabled option default value should be true.*
If one of ids which managed entity by session should not be included in multiLoad query's 'in' condition.
{code:java} SimpleEntity third = session.byId( SimpleEntity.class ).load( 3 ); List<SimpleEntity> list = session.byMultipleIds(SimpleEntity.class) .multiLoad( Arrays.asList(1 , 2 , 3 )); assertEquals( 3, list.size() ); {code}
id "3" is already loaded in session that i expect query include only another ids "2", "3" ; like *session.byId(SimpleEntity.class).load(1);* But default value of sessionCheckingEnable is false that query include all ids even "1". It is more efficient i think.
If some of one wants to execute query include all ids like REFRESH it would be better. session.byMultipleIds(SimpleEntity.class).enableSessionCheck(false).multiLoad( Arrays.asList(1 , 2 , 3 );
I fixed it in this Pull-Request commit
h2. *2. Fix in multiLoad bugs with non flushed entities both side of sessionCheckingEnable true and false*
When sessionCheckingEnabled is true, *DynamicBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder* will check if some of ids are managed entities from session then they will exclude for query. But, below test will be failed.
{code:java} @Test public void testBasicMultiLoadWithManagedButRemovedAndChecking() { Session session = openSession(); session.getTransaction().begin(); SimpleEntity third = session.byId( SimpleEntity.class ).load( 3 ); session.remove(third); List<SimpleEntity> list = session.byMultipleIds(SimpleEntity.class).enableSessionCheck(true) .multiLoad( ids(56) ); // removed entity excluded in results assertEquals( 55, list.size() ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } {code}
removed but non flushed entity will be founded by *DynamicBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder* that it will be excluded in query but included in results. I think it is a kind of bug. removed and non flushed entity should be excluded query and results. So *DynamicBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder* need to check if managedEntity marked DELETED or GONE.
When sessionCheckingEnabled is false, *DynamicBatchingEntityLoaderBuilder* should flush non flushed entity queries for consistence query results like executing HQL. (depends on FlushMode) Below test will be failed.
{code:java} @Test public void testBasicMultiLoadWithNonFlushedAndNoChecking() { Session session = openSession(); session.getTransaction().begin(); new SimpleEntity( 100, "Entity #" + 100 ) ); Integer[] ids = { 1, 2, 3, 100 }; List<SimpleEntity> list = session.byMultipleIds(SimpleEntity.class).enableSessionCheck(false) .multiLoad( ids ); // should include saved(non-flushed) entities in results depends on FlushMode assertEquals( 4, list.size() ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } {code}
ids "1", "2", "3" are persisted but non managed entities, and id "100" saved before executing mulgiLoad(). id "100" of entity is managed in session but non flushed. When executing multiLoad() then results size is only 3 exclude "100". It is weird result with AutoFlush mode. If i use HQL query session will flush before executing query then result will correct. As a result, I think if sessionCheckingEnabled is false session flushed before executing multiLoad().
I fixed it in Pull-Request commit
h2. *3. Enhance multiLoad test case*
When sessionCheckingEnabled is true that managed entities put in first position of results. But current both of test case tested by first entity and assert with first position of results. Given entity for right test will be another position of entity
I fixed it in Pull-Request commit
It would be nice, if either these things apply in hibernate-orm Thanks. |