" The issue is primarily that {{org.hibernate.type}} methods used {{SessionImplementor}} . In arguments in 5. 3, those arguments 1 . were changed to {{SharedSessionContractImplementor}} .
I have already added in most 5.3.\r\n\r\nIn the process of investigating the necessary methods locally and will create a PR when impact of making user types binary compatible, I' m finished. ve been reviewing the various ways that Hibernate supports implementing user types\r\n\r\nThe user guide mentions:\r\n* implementing BasicType\r\n* implementing UserType\r\n* implementing VersionType\r\n* implementing UserVersionType\r\n* implementing UserCollectionType\r\n* extending AbstractStandardBasicType\r\n* extending AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType\r\n* extending PersistentBag (internal!?\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n" |