Comments by Sanne Grinovero on the PR for HSEARCH-2547:
That's a very interesting point. From one side, I agree with you that this shouldn't happen. On the other, I can see how someone needing to "fine tune" things might want to do that, so if we "fix" it by not doing it, we might need to introduce a specific feature for such a mapping.
You guessed right I don't think we should merge the second change at this stage; could you split that in its own issue, so then we can decide if it's material for 6?
I guess the culprit is to clarify if @IndexedEmbedded(includePaths) is a narrowing filter, or indicative.
When creating it I strictly had the narrowing idea in mind, but I can see how the include Paths terminology might have misled some people. For what it's worth, I realize this feature has been around for some time but I still feel like it's "bolted on" as we never revisited it from the first POC.. it's been a long time that I want to rethink the whole DocumentBuilder process from scratch.