When using join table for many to many relationship i have specified unique constraint, but the same has not been created in Database.
Here is my entity definition :-
{code:java} @Cacheable @Entity(name = "ImageGroup") @Table(name = "\"image_group\"", indexes = { @Index(name = "\"img_grp_tenant_name_idx\"", columnList = "\"tenant\",\"name\""), @Index(name = "\"img_grp_tenant_idx\"", columnList = "\"tenant\"") }, uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(name = "\"img_grp_tenant_name_uq\"", columnNames = { "\"tenant\"", "\"name\"" }), }) @SequenceGenerator(name = "image_group_id_sequence", sequenceName = "\"image_group_id_seq\"", initialValue = 1) public class ImageGroupDO {
/** The id. */ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "image_group_id_sequence") @Column(name = "\"id\"") private long id;
/** The name. */ @NotNull @Size(min = 2, max = 255) @Column(name = "\"name\"", nullable = false, length = 255) private String name;
/** The description. */ @Size(max = 255) @Column(name = "\"description\"", length = 255) private String description;
/** The active. */ @NotNull @Column(name = "\"active\"", nullable = false) private boolean active;
/** The tenant do. */ @NotNull @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, optional = false) @JoinColumn(name = "\"tenant\"", foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "\"img_grp_tenant_fk\"")) private TenantDO tenantDo;
/** The images. */ @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE }) @JoinTable(name = "\"image_group_image\"", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "\"image_group\"", referencedColumnName = "\"id\""), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "\"image\"", referencedColumnName = "\"id\""), foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "\"img_grp_img_image_group_fk\""), inverseForeignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "\"img_grp_img_image_fk\""), indexes = { @Index(name = "\"img_grp_img_image_group_fk_idx\"", columnList = "\"image_group\""), @Index(name = "\"img_grp_img_image_fk_idx\"", columnList = "\"image\"") }, uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(name = "\"img_grp_img_img_grp_img_uq\"", columnNames = { "\"image_group\"", "\"image\"" }) }) private Set<ImageDO> images = new HashSet<>();
/** The created at. */ @NotNull @Column(name = "\"created_at\"", nullable = false) private Date createdAt;
/** The modified at. */ @NotNull @Column(name = "\"modified_at\"", nullable = false) private Date modifiedAt;
/** * On create. */ @PrePersist protected void onCreate() { this.createdAt = new Date(); this.modifiedAt = new Date(); }
/** * On update. */ @PreUpdate protected void onUpdate() { this.modifiedAt = new Date(); }
/** * Gets the id. * * @return the id */ public long getId() { return id; }
/** * Sets the id. * * @param id * the new id */ public void setId(long id) { this.id = id; }
/** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; }
/** * Sets the name. * * @param name * the new name */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
/** * Gets the description. * * @return the description */ public String getDescription() { return description; }
/** * Sets the description. * * @param description * the new description */ public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }
/** * Checks if is active. * * @return true, if is active */ public boolean isActive() { return active; }
/** * Sets the active. * * @param active * the new active */ public void setActive(boolean active) { this.active = active; }
/** * Gets the tenant do. * * @return the tenant do */ public TenantDO getTenantDo() { return tenantDo; }
/** * Sets the tenant do. * * @param tenantDo * the new tenant do */ public void setTenantDo(TenantDO tenantDo) { this.tenantDo = tenantDo; }
/** * Gets the images. * * @return the images */ public Set<ImageDO> getImages() { return images; }
/** * Sets the images. * * @param images * the new images */ public void setImages(Set<ImageDO> images) { this.images = images; }
/** * Gets the created at. * * @return the created at */ public Date getCreatedAt() { return createdAt; }
/** * Sets the created at. * * @param createdAt * the new created at */ public void setCreatedAt(Date createdAt) { this.createdAt = createdAt; }
/** * Gets the modified at. * * @return the modified at */ public Date getModifiedAt() { return modifiedAt; }
/** * Sets the modified at. * * @param modifiedAt * the new modified at */ public void setModifiedAt(Date modifiedAt) { this.modifiedAt = modifiedAt; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (!(obj instanceof DataCenterDO)) return false; ImageGroupDO imageGroupDO = ImageGroupDO.class.cast(obj);
return this.id == imageGroupDO.getId(); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { return new Long(id).intValue(); }
} {code}
The unique constraint that i have added to the join table is not getting created in Postgresql.
Any unique constraint at entity level with @table is working fine. Here is the config :-
jdbc.connection.datasource=org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect |