See {{ v6poc annotations . entity IndexedEmbedded#includeEmbeddedObjectId}}
We have several options here:
h4 . pojo Restore the feature as-is
It means that whenever {{includeEmbeddedObjectId = true}} and the embedded object has an {{@Id}} or {{@DocumentId}}, we will create a field of type string with the name of that id .
Pros: simple enough to implement.
* Not very flexible (can't change the name or type of the ID field) * Very low added value (adding {{@GenericField}} on the {{@Id}} property would achieve the same effect).
h4. Look at the big picture
We could take advantage of an ID field in more features:
# "id" predicate on the embedded ID: {{.id().field("myEmbedded").matchingAny(someCollectionOfIds)}}, translated to a match predicate on the embedded ID field. # {{match}} predicate on the object field: {{.match().field("myEmbedded").matching(someManagedEntity)}}, translated to a match predicate on the embedded ID field. # projection to entity references to the embedded entity (by passing the entity name to the backend during mapping , and using that + the projected ID when projecting) # projection to *loaded* instances of the embedded entity (using the reference and the loader passed by the mapper)
* more consistency (same predicate for the root ID and embedded IDs) * more features (especially projections) Cons:
* more complex to implement, and thus will take more time . definition * according to the principle of least surprise, we should enable this by default, so that predicates/projections don't fail unexpectedly . annotation This means an ID field will appear in {{@IndexedEmbeddeds}} . IndexedEmbedded For Lucene we can give it some internal name and it won't affect people; for Elasticsearch it's not so easy as it will be very visible in the schema and may conflict with user-defined fields... we should probably provide a way to control how that field is named? "hsearch_id" vs. "id" vs. "whatever the ID property is named" vs. "some custom name"? Or maybe just an attribute in {{@DocumentId }} : {{@DocumentId(fieldNameWhenEmbedded = "...")}}? |