given an entity like your example "[Example 5.25. Entity Cd|]"
{code} @Column(name="user_id") @Fields({ @Field(name="user_id", store=Store.YES, index=Index.YES, analyze=Analyze.NO, norms=Norms.NO, termVector=TermVector.NO), @Field(name="user_id.facet", index=Index.YES, analyze=Analyze.NO, store=Store.YES) }) @NumericFields({ @NumericField(forField="user_id") }) private int userId = 0; {code}
and creating a facet on the user_id field like
{code} facetManager .enableFaceting(queryBuilder.facet().name("uf") .onField("user_id") .discrete() .orderedBy(FacetSortOrder.COUNT_DESC) .includeZeroCounts(false) .maxFacetCount(5) .createFacetingRequest()) {code}
gives me wrong results, namely only one facet (the with user_id 0 (zero). If i use "user_id.facet" it works as expected.
I read in a forum that this is a current restriction. It should be mentioned in the docs if so (in the tip following the discrete example) or fixed (fix would be awesome).
If you need more information, just ask.
I've added a patch to If _cubicCapacity_ is a numeric field, FacetFilteringTest fails due to wrong number of results. Hope this helps.