I have a simple query that is executed to retrieve a row from the database. This query worked fine when run using HSQLDB in 5.4.19. The persistence.xml uses a create/load sql scripts. After updating to 5.4.20, the query fails with No Entity Found now. The entity is created during the load.sql execution. This only appears to happen when running with an in memory HSQLDB also for some reason (which are what the automated unit tests use of course) I am uncertain what aspect of changes to 5.4.20 affected this. The entity hierachy is a JOIN TABLE with PARENT/CHILD relationship. I will attach the class files below and the sql files. I am unable to attach the entire source tree. But the query is a relatively simple query that selects an entity (the child via the JOIN relationship) based upon one field of a composiite primary key. I will update as I can investigate this a bit more. I have tried to remove ALL comments from the source sql files if perhaps the comment change has impacted this, but that appears to not resolve it. I have tried to set parameter padding back to true to see if that change affected it to no avail. The failing named query is as follows : @NamedQuery(name = IssuerImpl.SELECT_BY_ISSUER, query = "SELECT issuer FROM " + IssuerImpl.ENTITY_NAME + " issuer WHERE issuer.identifier.issuer= :issuer") Here the "issuer" entity is a subtype of the main "resource" entity @Entity(name = ResourceImpl.ENTITY_NAME) @Table(name = ResourceImpl.TABLE_NAME) @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = ResourceImpl.ENTITY_COLUMN) defines the parent and a secondary JOIN table is used on the child @Entity(name = IssuerImpl.ENTITY_NAME) @SecondaryTable(name = IssuerImpl.TABLE_NAME, pkJoinColumns = { @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = IdentifierImpl.ISSUER_COLUMN, referencedColumnName = IdentifierImpl.ISSUER_COLUMN), @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = IdentifierImpl.IDENTIFIER_COLUMN, referencedColumnName = IdentifierImpl.IDENTIFIER_COLUMN) } ) @org.hibernate.annotations.Table(appliesTo = IssuerImpl.TABLE_NAME, optional = false) The failure is seen via this simple lookup query final Issuer issuer = manager.find(new IdentifierImpl(1L, "1") where the executed query is "SELECT DISTINCT resource FROM " + this.clazz.getSimpleName() + " resource WHERE resource.identifier = :identifier"; where entity name is inserted as IssuerImpl. |