When using HBMs with: <id name="accountId" column="`accountId`" type="long"> <generator class="identity" /> </id>
PostgreSQL (speed startup), not sure of relevance to the bug report
as of 4.2.4 this only does tableName's
Hibernate produces SQL like: select currval('"master"."foo_Account"_"accountId"_seq')
The correct format would be: select currval('"master"."foo_Account_accountId_seq"')
That is the concept of an identifier being the sequence name is a single construct that should be quoted. The use of apostrophe around the outer most part of the value is correct. The expression inside the string need to be a valid Postgres identifier expression.
I would guess hibernate is building the default sequence name out of the tableName + "_" + columnName + "_seq" format that postgres uses for SERIAL/BIGSERIAL.
What should happen is that if either the tableName or the columnName is using quoting, then the entire string should be quoted as a single identifer and the unquoted tableName and columnName be used inside.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(tableName.getUnquotedName()).append("_"); sb.append(columnName.getUnquotedName()).append("_seq"); if(tableName.isQuoted() || columnName.isQuoted()) return "\"" + sb.toString() + "\""; return sb.toString();