From version 5.4.11.Final, more SQL queries than usual are generated under certain conditions , for an unknown reason. Please please see the little project I made to try to understand : [https://gitlab.com/julien.leloup/spring-data-jpa-doc|https://gitlab.com/julien.leloup/spring-data-jpa-doc]
This project is a Spring Data JPA project and uses :
* spring-boot-starter-parent 2.2.4-RELEASE * H2 database (on a PostgreSQL database the problem is the same) * Hibernate-core 5.4.12.Final
In this project there are 5 entities with the following relations : A ----- C (1-N) B ----- C (1-N) C ----- D (1-N) D ----- E (N-1) All the relations are bi-directionnal and use a FetchType LAZY
On Hibernate-core 5.4.10.Final and prior, if I execute the following query :
{code:java}@EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"a", "b", "dList", "dList.e"}) CEntity getById(Integer id);{code}
it produces only 1 SQL request, which is correct if I understood correctly :
{code:java}Hibernate: select centity0_.id as id1_2_0_, bentity1_.id as id1_1_1_, dlist2_.id as id1_3_2_, eentity3_.id as id1_4_3_, aentity4_.id as id1_0_4_, centity0_.a_id as a_id3_2_0_, centity0_.b_id as b_id4_2_0_, centity0_.label as label2_2_0_, bentity1_.label as label2_1_1_, dlist2_.c_id as c_id3_3_2_, dlist2_.e_id as e_id4_3_2_, dlist2_.label as label2_3_2_, dlist2_.c_id as c_id3_3_0_, dlist2.id as id1_3_0_, eentity3.label as label2_4_3_, aentity4_.label as label2_0_4_ from c centity0_ left outer join b bentity1_ on centity0_.b_id=bentity1_.id left outer join d dlist2_ on centity0_.id=dlist2_.c_id left outer join e eentity3_ on dlist2_.e_id=eentity3_.id left outer join a aentity4_ on centity0_.a_id=aentity4_.id where centity0_.id=?{code}
But From version 5.4.11.Final, *the same code* produces 3 requests :
{code:java}Hibernate: select centity0_.id as id1_2_0_, aentity1_.id as id1_0_1_, bentity2_.id as id1_1_2_, dlist3_.id as id1_3_3_, eentity4_.id as id1_4_4_, centity0_.a_id as a_id3_2_0_, centity0_.b_id as b_id4_2_0_, centity0_.label as label2_2_0_, aentity1_.label as label2_0_1_, bentity2_.label as label2_1_2_, dlist3_.c_id as c_id3_3_3_, dlist3_.e_id as e_id4_3_3_, dlist3_.label as label2_3_3_, dlist3_.c_id as c_id3_3_0_, dlist3.id as id1_3_0_, eentity4.label as label2_4_4_ from c centity0_ left outer join a aentity1_ on centity0_.a_id=aentity1_.id left outer join b bentity2_ on centity0_.b_id=bentity2_.id left outer join d dlist3_ on centity0_.id=dlist3_.c_id left outer join e eentity4_ on dlist3_.e_id=eentity4_.id where centity0_.id=?{code}
{code:java}Hibernate: select dlist0_.e_id as e_id4_3_0_, dlist0_.id as id1_3_0_, dlist0_.id as id1_3_1_, dlist0_.c_id as c_id3_3_1_, dlist0_.e_id as e_id4_3_1_, dlist0_.label as label2_3_1_ from d dlist0_ where dlist0_.e_id=?{code}
{code:java}Hibernate: select dlist0_.e_id as e_id4_3_0_, dlist0_.id as id1_3_0_, dlist0_.id as id1_3_1_, dlist0_.c_id as c_id3_3_1_, dlist0_.e_id as e_id4_3_1_, dlist0_.label as label2_3_1_ from d dlist0_ where dlist0_.e_id=?{code}
Could you please investigate ?
Note : first I opened the following ticket to Spring Data Jpa team : [https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-1747|https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-1747] Their answer was "Until demonstrated otherwise, I'll have to assume this is caused by Hibernate."
Regards |